Is it difficult to assemble your kits?
Our kits are certainly quite complex, but are within the capabilities of anyone with the patience necessary for assembling kits that include at least 100 different components. The kits include a building manual that provides step-by-step instructions on how to assemble the various models.
Do I need any special equipment or particular experience?
The only equipment required are the usual tools that a modelling enthusiast would use for assembling any kit: files, scalpel, various sized-drills, both instant and 2 component glue, sand-paper, .. and a lot of patience.
Are the various kit components supplied already painted?
No. Our kits are supplied in rough metal. Prior to painting, you will need to prepare the areas to be painted. You will see that with some practice, you will be able to achieve a perfect finish. You will be able to paint using paint spray cans, available from any paint shop, or by using an aerograph (spray gun), which usually provides better results.