May I purchase Tameo Kits models directly from you?
Tameo Kits sells its products exclusively through their distributor network.
Where can I find Tameo products?
Tameo Kits models can be found in every specialised shop world-wide. Please consult our list of specialised shops to see where our products can be found.
What shall I do if the specialised shop I regularly use does not sell Tameo Kits products?
You can advise them that Tameo Kits also accepts small orders for a minimum amount of units and that they can contact us without any commitment. If your dealer is not interested in ordering the model you need please contact us for finding a solution.
Could I make you aware of models that are not yet included in your catalogue?
Of course! Direct assistance from the actual collectors will allow us to make choices and arrive at decisions, which will satisfy the majority of the collectors. If you have any specific requirements or suggestions, please use the appropriate section on our web site, shown as “Future modlels”.
Could I suggest improvements or make comments or criticisms?
Yes! Your impressions, both critical and complimentary, are always welcome. With your assistance, we are able to constantly improve our product line; should you wish to communicate with us, we would be very grateful if you could write to us at the following e-mail address:
Can you keep me informed of any news or any new projects?
If you register to receive our newsletter you will periodically receive all the information relating to any news or new products.